Harpy Griffin Fakémon | Artwork by [Involuntary-Twitch]
Artwork by Involuntary-Twitch
Name: Harpluff.
(HP-50/Attack-80/Defence-50/Sp.Atk-40/Sp.Def-60/Speed-70) BST-350
Abilities: Keen-Eye/Hustle/Gale-Wings
Name: Harpyrie.
Type: (Normal/Flying)
(HP-70/Attack-130/Defence-70/Sp.Atk-90/Sp.Def-80/Speed-115) BST-555
Abilities: Intimidate/Moxie/Aerilate
Movepool: Aerial-Ace, Air-Cutter, Air-Slash, Hurricane, Drill-Peak, Acrobatics, Brave-Bird, Fly, Pluck, Roost, Defog, Tailwind, Feather-Dance, Echoed-Voice, Hyper-Voice, Hyper-Beam, Giga-Impact, Slash, Facade, Thrash, Retaliate, Double-Edge, Extremespeed, Endaevor, Perish-Song, Swords-Dance, Mean-Lock, Sleep-Talk, Rest, Calm-Mind, Agility, Zen-Headbutt, Shadow-Claw, Dragon-Claw, Thief, Fling, Knock-Off, Night-Slash, Foul-Play, X-Scissor, U-Turn, Metal-Claw, Steel-Wings, Detect, Close-Combat, Double-Kick, Bulk-Up, Toxic, Poison-Jab, Grass-Knot, Rock-Slide, Head-Smash, Drill-Run, Spikes, Sunny-Day, Rain-Dance,
And that’s the Harpy Griffin Fakémon, as you can see, it’s BST is 555, like Arcanine, since it’s based on two mythical creatures, the Harpy, with Harpy Eagle, and the Griffin.
Intimate as a support ability that helps, especially in double battles, lower two Pokémon attack stats, Moxie in slowly increasing its Attack stats as it becomes a sweeper, and Aerilate, as no non-mega Pokémon has that as an ability, with its Normal Types becoming Flying types, and receiving 20% increased power.
Along with its more niche support moves like Perish-Song, to force a switch, Spikes to punish switching, Endaevor to lower bulky Pokémon’s HP, and Tailwind, to double itself and its allies speeds.
I can definitely imagine Harpyrie being UU, or OU, as it’s much stronger then Staraptor, whose in NU.
Artwork by Involuntary-Twitch
Name: Harpluff.
(HP-50/Attack-80/Defence-50/Sp.Atk-40/Sp.Def-60/Speed-70) BST-350
Abilities: Keen-Eye/Hustle/Gale-Wings
Name: Harpyrie.
Type: (Normal/Flying)
(HP-70/Attack-130/Defence-70/Sp.Atk-90/Sp.Def-80/Speed-115) BST-555
Abilities: Intimidate/Moxie/Aerilate
Movepool: Aerial-Ace, Air-Cutter, Air-Slash, Hurricane, Drill-Peak, Acrobatics, Brave-Bird, Fly, Pluck, Roost, Defog, Tailwind, Feather-Dance, Echoed-Voice, Hyper-Voice, Hyper-Beam, Giga-Impact, Slash, Facade, Thrash, Retaliate, Double-Edge, Extremespeed, Endaevor, Perish-Song, Swords-Dance, Mean-Lock, Sleep-Talk, Rest, Calm-Mind, Agility, Zen-Headbutt, Shadow-Claw, Dragon-Claw, Thief, Fling, Knock-Off, Night-Slash, Foul-Play, X-Scissor, U-Turn, Metal-Claw, Steel-Wings, Detect, Close-Combat, Double-Kick, Bulk-Up, Toxic, Poison-Jab, Grass-Knot, Rock-Slide, Head-Smash, Drill-Run, Spikes, Sunny-Day, Rain-Dance,
And that’s the Harpy Griffin Fakémon, as you can see, it’s BST is 555, like Arcanine, since it’s based on two mythical creatures, the Harpy, with Harpy Eagle, and the Griffin.
Intimate as a support ability that helps, especially in double battles, lower two Pokémon attack stats, Moxie in slowly increasing its Attack stats as it becomes a sweeper, and Aerilate, as no non-mega Pokémon has that as an ability, with its Normal Types becoming Flying types, and receiving 20% increased power.
Along with its more niche support moves like Perish-Song, to force a switch, Spikes to punish switching, Endaevor to lower bulky Pokémon’s HP, and Tailwind, to double itself and its allies speeds.
I can definitely imagine Harpyrie being UU, or OU, as it’s much stronger then Staraptor, whose in NU.